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All material, photos, posters and art work on this site, is property of the site owner.
Some of the material, photos, posters and art work is copyrighted. No part of this site can be used, copied or duplicated
without specific written permission of the owner, Jim Kleinfelder.
Latest News!.
January 1, 2016
December has been full of examinations, dental exam at the VA, CT Exams, MRIs, 12 days of radiation , diabetic
shoe fittings, urology, infusion and oncology briefings.
new fore crutches have arrived, and now I need to learn to use those, especially getting in and out of my car with out losing
my balance, and getting up the one step in my home. This has been a trying time for me, and beginning to understand the
word 'depression', but, I am fine, I work through it, and I have a great support system. Now I start the new year.
That is all for now, more next month. Please keep me in your hearts.
Jim & Dianne
PLEASE, sign the guest guestbook.
I continue my search for lost members of The Treasures from Moorhead/Fargo and The
Reflections from Grand Turk, BWI.