Band Members
The Treasures (The Beginning)
The Treasures (We Arrived)
The Treasures (Epilogue)
The Treasures (Photos)
Band Members
Achievements and Awards

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These are members of the band from 1960-1974 as I know them:
Orignal Members:
Leonard Misheski - Lead Guitar
Dave Harmon - Guitar
Bud Mercereau - Vocal, Guitar
Bob Carroll - Guitar, Vocal   (deceased April 1991)
Jim Kleinfelder  (Jimmy Kaye) - Drums, vocal
Later Incoming Members:
Mike Kondos - Bass
Francis Pederson - Vocal
Paul Hubbard - Lead Guitar
Don Formanek Jr - Bass
Neil Olson - Drums
Wayne Luchau - Vocal, Guitar
Jerry Jacobsen - Vocal, Guitar
Lyman Hangaard - Guitar
Calvin Hamilton (Cal Cory) - Vocal
The Aaron Brothers (Greg Grove & Darv Lucas) - vocals
~more members will be added as names are assembled~
Donnie Owens & The Treasures (1965-1983):
Jim Kleinfelder (Donnie Owens) - Vocal, Guitar, Drums
Gerry Hills - guitar, vocal
Chad Brooke - bass  (deceased July 1996)
Kathy "L" Herndin - keyboard, guitar, vocal  (deceased July 1996)
Mike Grant - drums, guitar  (deceased October 2012)
Thom Kelly - horns, reeds  (deceased July 1996)

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